9:5 Landlords Insurance - PARDUS Insurance Scheme

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Landlords Insurance: Residential and Commercial

Since we have multiple landlord insurance schemes available, we feel we should discuss them with you

Select the 'Houses' dropdown menu and then specify what form of residential property insurance you require - you will be taken to a form to request a call-back. That way we can find out exactly what you need and obtain all the pertinent information to provide you with a policy that meets your requirements.

The information below is a general guide to what we offer.

We offer landlords insurance for owners of property in England, Northern Ireland. Scotland and Wales, although the owner may live worldwide (with a UK-based agent).  We can cover: -

  • Standard lets (Professional/ Low Income, Unemployed, Retired): Tenancy agreement between landlord (or agent) and tenant - the rent may be paid or subsidised by a third party

  • DSS Lets : Tenancy agreement between Landlords and the Council - who has control of the occupants

  • Property let to Housing Associations

  • Property let to Students

  • Holiday Homes (both second homes and let out as such)

  • Bedsits and HMOs

  • Shops and Offices

  • Single Tenure Commercial Property

  • Property occupied by asylum seekers or refugees

  • Multiple properties forming a portfolio - no limit to the number: if you have a spreadsheet available or a schedule, it will help obtain a quote quicker, but neither are necessary.

  •  We can also cover many non-standard risks through our plethora of schemes. 

Unacceptable Risks (contact us for alternatives)

Refer Risks - cover not available online

We are unable to quote on this scheme for the following:

If any of the proposers:

  1. Have been declared Bankrupt more than once
  2. Are undischarged Bankrupts
  3. Has been made Insolvent more than once
  4. Have been disqualified under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986
  5. have More than 3 CCJ's in the last six years
  6. Have had more than one creditors liquidation or the amount is over £500,000
  7. has been involved in more than one compulsory liquidation or the amount is over £500,000
  8. Have unspent convictions for Theft, Fraud, Arson or Sex offences
  9. Have failed to comply with an HSE notice

If any of the properties

  1. Is situated other than in Great Britain, Channel Islands and Isle of Man
  2. Is Built before 1850
  3. Is a Grade 1 (Grade A in Scotland) listed building. Or a Grade 2 (Grade B in Scoitland) over £2,500,000
  4. Is built with daub, or non LPCB approved composite Panels
  5. Is roofed with Stramit (Strawboard) or Thatch.
  6. Are unoccupied and are derelict, awaiting destruction, in an extreme or High crime or high arson area, been unoccupied for more than two years, no plans to bring it back to use within six months, is a pub, nightclub, school, hospital or religious building, has a rebuilding cost in excess of £2,500,000, is not secured against illegal entry with securely locked and fastened doors and windows, sealed letter boxes, and all security and alarm protections in full operation and in working order
  7. Is occupied by asylum seekers, refugees, or is for the use of the proposer and/ or family members.

The total sum insured must not exceed £10,000,000

We may be able to quote on this scheme - please complete the form. In many cases you will be able to 'plead your case' if there are mitigating circumstances or substantial changes have been made to improve the risk.

If any of the proposers:

  1. Have been declared Bankrupt once in the last three years up to £50,000 debt and is now discharged
  2. Has been insolvent once and is now discharged (but not disqualified) over 3 years ago with a debt less than £50,000 - or with a debt over £50,000 in the last three years
  3. Has up to thrree (inclusive) CCJs in the last six years.
  4. Has had only one liquidation or insolvency not exceeding £500,000
  5. Has had a previous policy cancelled for fraud, non-disclosure or misrepresentation
  6. Have any unspent convictions (Theft, Fraud, Arson and Sex offences are decline)
  7. Has been subject to an HSE fine, investigation or notice

If any of the properties

  1. Is a grade 3 (grade C in Scotland) listed building (Grade 3 = better quality than a grade 2)
  2. Has a roof made from asbestos, wood, zinc, or any unspecified material (other than Stramit/ Thatch

If the following Claims History has been reached or exceeded  

  1. A single claim exceeding £50,000 in the last five years
  2. Three of more claims in the last five years
  3. Any previous arson claims
  4. A claims history above 50% loss ratio in the last five years. As a guide this means more than 2 1/2 times the premium quoted.


How Many Properties need to be covered? (no limit providing total sum insured < £10,000,000 - over £3,000,000 will be referred for confirmation)
Special discounts may be available under some circumstances for single residential property: -
Have you had any claims?
How old are you?
Any No claims bonus from previous insurer?
Do you require accidental damage on the property?
What excess to you want?
Broker Use Only: